
Being a mom, wife, sister, friend, amatuer blogger, crafter, wanna-be super hero... and enjoying the adventure that comes with it!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday... getting technical

I have been HORRIBLE with constantly changing my blog design.  I just could NOT seem to find something that I liked.  On top of that, I had NO IDEA what I was doing!!  So, I decided to step back and look at my blog through the eyes of HTML... This totally reminded me of the movie "The Matrix".  You know, the part where Keanu Reeves finally becomes "THE ONE" and can see the matrix for what it is; lines of code?... YEAH, like that!  Click here to see the scene.
So, I went all MATRIX on my blog and at that point, things started making sense.  Most people would probably think that at this point things become complicated, but actually, it simplified things for me.
At this point, I decided, I'm just going to design my own stuff...move things around the way I want them... I don't need anyone else to help me do it.... This came about after asking someone who made themselves APPEAR helpful for help and receiving NONE...yeah, thanks lady!!  NOT!!!  But, I suppose, it was totally for the best because I learned to do this thing on my own!
Now, I'm not saying that my blog design will stay as is.  Nope.  Now that I understand the mechanics a little better, I may be even WORSE with changing things up!!  My friend even asked me to do a design for her blog... OMG!!!  HOW FUN!!!  I did her header and a button and much fun!!
I guess I need to bust out my black rimmed glasses and pocket protector because I feel gloriously nerdy!  I'm totally embracing my inner Nerd and I'm loving it!
Happy Techy Tuesday! ;)

Survey Junkie


Yomi2005 said...

I'm so impressed! How the heck did you learn to read HTML? I haven't even clicked on the button yet to look at it. I'm still trying to figure out how all the super-simple template designs, buttons, add-ons, adware, etc. all works, LOL. Good for you Kandy!

Tara said...

Thanks for following me over at The Small Town Mom. I am following you back. I think it's awesome that you are doing your blog design on your own. I did everything myself also and became best friends with google :) Anything I wanted to do I just asked google and found my answer! You can do it!!

Tisha Matthews said...

I love your post..Especially the part you said you went "Matrix" on your blog. You are so right, the HTML codes do look like the Matrix. I too had to learn the basics so I can tweak things on my blog from time to time, but I still need a blog designer. I'm not talented enough to do the big dog stuff.

Kandy said...

When you change stuff, always go and look at the html... read through it...
I can't do EVERYTHING totally myself, but I have learned how to move things and change things with html... The code for size, color, position... all of that is right there in the code...just get familiar with where it's at and you can do the changes yourself to get the look you want...

Anonymous said...

Hey Doll!! Agreed...html is definitely like some unheard of language!

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