So, I went all MATRIX on my blog and at that point, things started making sense. Most people would probably think that at this point things become complicated, but actually, it simplified things for me.
At this point, I decided, I'm just going to design my own stuff...move things around the way I want them... I don't need anyone else to help me do it.... This came about after asking someone who made themselves APPEAR helpful for help and receiving NONE...yeah, thanks lady!! NOT!!! But, I suppose, it was totally for the best because I learned to do this thing on my own!
Now, I'm not saying that my blog design will stay as is. Nope. Now that I understand the mechanics a little better, I may be even WORSE with changing things up!! My friend even asked me to do a design for her blog... OMG!!! HOW FUN!!! I did her header and a button and much fun!!
I guess I need to bust out my black rimmed glasses and pocket protector because I feel gloriously nerdy! I'm totally embracing my inner Nerd and I'm loving it!
Happy Techy Tuesday! ;)