
Being a mom, wife, sister, friend, amatuer blogger, crafter, wanna-be super hero... and enjoying the adventure that comes with it!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sickness, Cleaning and Music...

There has been some kind of NASTY bug going around here and it has arrived at my house, uninvited!  NASTY just barged right in, took his shoes off and decided to stay awhile.   I work at a preschool and the saying our pediatrician has, "All children are sick unless proven otherwise", has proven to be true  this time of year.  We have had several kiddos out with the flu and other croupy crap, and now, my precious little diva daughter has the croupy crap.  She has been running fever since Friday =(  SADNESS!!!   I hate when my babies are sick!!!  So, I've been cleaning.  And cleaning.  And CLEANING!!!!   I seem to have it embedded in my head that I can clean the bug out of our house...of course, this has some truth to it, but it seems NASTY is just going to have to run his course.
Speaking of cleaning, I have really been driving myself crazy over the past few years.  Let me explain:  Growing up, my mom used to DRIVE ME CRAZY cleaning with bleach.  Seriously, the woman doesn't think something is cleaned unless it has been thoroughly scrubbed with bleach.  I can not tell you the countless number of shirts of mine that have been ruined by leaning up against a counter that my mother had just cleaned...AND WITH HER, you never knew when she would be cleaning...  This, as you can imagine, drove me NUTS!!  I mean, some of those shirts were favorites!!!
Well, fast forward to today and guess who has to clean with bleach now....  You guessed it.  ME!!!!  What the heck!!!  I know!!!  I just really don't feel something is totally clean unless I have thoroughly scrubbed it with bleach.  Sound familiar?  Why oh why did this trait get passed to me?!  I already feel the need to apologize to my children for the countless number of favorite shirts that will be ruined on account of my mother's cleaning gene that has been pasted down to me....
So, our house pretty much smells like bleach... AND Lysol, because, well, you know it kills 99.9% of germs...says so right on the bottle ;)
Speaking of cleaning makes me think of music.  But to tell you the truth, just about anything in my life can make me think of music...  I LOVE MUSIC.  Simple and to the point.  But, I was also thinking how soothing music is.  When my daughter has been so sick and her fever had spiked, after I had given the appropriate amount of Tylenol, she seemed to be so content to just sit in my lap, let me rock her and sing.  It seems that even me humming was more soothing to her than any medicine that I could give her... This made me smile.  I hope music is one of those things I can pass down to my daughter.... INSTEAD of the need to clean with bleach!!


Kim said...

So sorry you've had sickness in the house! Love the peditrician's thought on kids. My mom cleaned with bleach too--I do also so it must be genetic! Hope everyone gets well soon!

Kandy said...

Thanks, Kim... Oh, no!!! The Bleach Saga continues!!!!! ;)

Meri said...

Ugh! My boyfriend (who lives with me) has had this crap for like a week too. I'm just WAITING to get it and the waiting is the worst! Ick!
p.s. found you through the Monday blog hop!

Kandy said...

OOooo... hope you don't get it, Meri!!! Boo on sickness!!!!
Thanks for stopping by =)

Kelli said...

That's hilarious! My husbands mom is a bleach maniac. The fumes are so bad my eyes water while going to the bathroom!:) yuk! I think everybody I know has gotten that bug! Hope y'all feel better!!

Kandy said...

THanks, Kelli!!
I'm really trying to do better on the bleach... I am going to have to be deprogrammed!! LOL

Alex said...

Hope you are feeling better. We caught the ugly bug too. Its the weather :)

Ross said...

Both my girls have been sick but my 3yr old is really sick. I can't stand seeing my little ones sick. Hope your family is better soon. I'll be following you now as well because I think your blog is great.

Kandy said...

Thanks, Alex and Ross.... We seem to be getting better!!! YAY!!!
Hope you guys are feeling much better as well!!